March Geyikbayırı
Back to Geyikbayırı after long time...
Friends, coffee and SuperClearBlueSky...
Some route which I climbed in this trip;
Trebenna 8b+
Professur 8b
Troja 8a+
Flame of fame 8a
Rock palace 8a
Hydrofusion 8a
Minimalist 8a second go
Daddy cool 8a second go
Funky Chicken 7c+ on-sight
Air and style 7c+ on-sight
Escape to paradise 7c
Suskunlar 7c second go
Return the Jedi 7c second go
Miauu 7c second go
31 7c on-sight
Külliin 7b+ flash
Black Sabbath 7b on-sight
Sword of Geyikbayırı 7b second go
Thanks a lot for photos to Öztürk Kayıkçı.
Colonist 8a+;
Back on funky planet 7b+;